Editorial on Singapore property market.
Time Capsule is an editorial on Singapore property market. Articles, Reviews and Opinions are shared here for our readers who would like to find more. Rather than generating hundred of articles, we only serve key information for our readers to focus on the important things.
Why do we call our editorial Time Capsule?
Because property is an asset class that lives through time. Our generation is built upon these and it is us who are shaping the next and leaving our legacies. We hope our readers can look back and remember today.
4 Things You Need to Know About Property Investment
When you buy a residential property, you are not just buying into the unit or the residential development itself, you are also buying into the property’s immediate surroundings and the neighbourhood – not just in the here and now, but also in the area’s future. Simply...
How Should Home Buyers And Owners Cope With Rising Interest Rates?
Mr Alfred Chia BSc, CFP, FChFP, ChFC, SAMP, Affiliate of STEP, IBF Fellow CEO, SingCapital Pte Ltd This article is contributed by SingCapital. It appears that the years of cheap loans are well and truly over. In the past decade or so, property buyers and owners have...
Home Rentals Rising in a Landlords Market
If you are looking to lease an apartment in the current market, chances are you will be paying a much higher rent compared to a year ago, as rental demand outpaces supply of units listed for lease. Read on to find out more about the rental hikes and what tenants...
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